Carteret's Bilingual Journey to Discovering our Superpoder
October 20, 2021
Hola Maestras,
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me this week. Having read Chapters 1-3, you are beginning to sharpen your multilingual lens as you better understand the strengths you and your students bring to the table, as well as the areas of challenge that we will address together.
As you scroll down this page, you will see resources that you have shared. Feel free to keep the resources coming, as well as the pictures. We are a learning community, and the more we work together, the stronger we will become.
I look forward to visiting your classes on Nov 16th and then virtually debriefing with you on Nov 17th. Please send me the lesson plans for that class in advance. Below is the Zoom link where we will be meeting for the debrief:
Susana Matos-Kruck is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Carteret Bilingual Debrief
Time: Nov 17, 2021 07:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 1076 7855
Passcode: 779618
Please read Chapters 4-6 before we meet for our full day training on December 14th. These chapters will build your background on the biliteracy unit framework and the strategic/authentic use of languages, so that we can get right to work on the nuances of developing effective Bridges.
Lastly, please complete the following survey, Bilingual Teacher self-Reflection Survey. I encourage you to fill in details in each Comment section, which will in turn help me tailor our time together more effectively.
Hola Maestras,
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me this week. Having read Chapters 1-3, you are beginning to sharpen your multilingual lens as you better understand the strengths you and your students bring to the table, as well as the areas of challenge that we will address together.
As you scroll down this page, you will see resources that you have shared. Feel free to keep the resources coming, as well as the pictures. We are a learning community, and the more we work together, the stronger we will become.
I look forward to visiting your classes on Nov 16th and then virtually debriefing with you on Nov 17th. Please send me the lesson plans for that class in advance. Below is the Zoom link where we will be meeting for the debrief:
Susana Matos-Kruck is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Carteret Bilingual Debrief
Time: Nov 17, 2021 07:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 1076 7855
Passcode: 779618
Please read Chapters 4-6 before we meet for our full day training on December 14th. These chapters will build your background on the biliteracy unit framework and the strategic/authentic use of languages, so that we can get right to work on the nuances of developing effective Bridges.
Lastly, please complete the following survey, Bilingual Teacher self-Reflection Survey. I encourage you to fill in details in each Comment section, which will in turn help me tailor our time together more effectively.
Thank you, Nancy Jorge for sharing these fabulous resources! |
Benefits of Being Bilingüe
Thanks, Christina Jackson, for the Link to "We are all Connected" project
Thanks to Cindy Suarez for this important link - NJDOE La Importancia de ser Bilingüe
Note from Susana: Wouldn’t it be awesome if every bilingual Carteret teacher created a quick 1-2 minute video sharing why being bilingual is important to them in their native language? And then placing those videos on the Carteret bilingual page! Maybe even the superintendent would be willing to join as well. Actually, any Carteret staff who is bilingual could join in! That would be crazy amazing. Maybe a couple of teachers/paras/custodians/admin could do it together on one video if they are shy to do one on their own. Just a thought!
September 14, 2021
¡Bienvenido a nuestro mundo bilingüe!
Together, we will be co-constructing a bilingual program that will honor and cherish all of our students' linguistic and cultural resources. As we create resources, they will be added to this page. For example, here is the PowerPoint for Day 1:

Day 1 PPT |
The first step of this journey begins with assessing the cultural climate in your classroom.
As we continue the journey and the conversations, feel free to email me with any questions or comments along the way. We are all in this together. The greater the collaboration, the greater the outcome.
Hasta la próxima!
- Do you know your students' backgrounds?
- Do your students know each others' backgrounds?
- Do your students see themselves represented?
- Do your students know why being in a bilingual class is a privilege?
As we continue the journey and the conversations, feel free to email me with any questions or comments along the way. We are all in this together. The greater the collaboration, the greater the outcome.
Hasta la próxima!